in Finland!
in Finland!
We're closed for Christmas Holidays, and will back at work again the 9'th of January! We're taking a break over Christmas and New Year to spend time with family and friends in Spain. Our studio is closed between 22.12 -...
UPDATE (18.9.2023): the first week is already completely booked with pre-orders, so orders placed after today will ship starting the second week of October. Thank you all, you are awesome! So, picture this – our (now not so) trusty wallpaper factory,...
Did you know that we have the best customers in the world who also tend to have some really insanely awesome home interiors? Well it's true, and that's why we are so happy to be able to share some of the great pictures that we have been tagged in during the past year. Because some times you just need to see real homes decorated by real people (because we are obviously robots ;) to really appreciate how the wall decals will end up looking at your place.
Have you looked into decorating with wall stickers but still wonder about if they might leave lasting marks on your walls? This is a question we get a lot, and for a good reason, because who would not want to know what happens to your walls when it finally is time to remove the decals (specially if you are renting).
Clinical spaces brought to life Hospitals can be scary places right? Not just for kids, but adults too. Recently I've seen some really nice attempts to make these spaces more welcoming and comfortable with murals painted onto bare walls. I think that...