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☀️ Free Shipping for Color Samples, Order Now! ☀️

About us

Welcome to learn more about us and our small and colourful family run design studio in Helsinki that makes fun and stress-free home decor with the smallest possible ecological impact. Our goal is to make personal and imaginative spaces easily accessible to all, no matter your skill level or resources. 

We make and design all our wall decals on order in our tiny studio located in an old factory building in Helsinki, Finland. All our products have a 100% happiness guarantee.

The core values of Made of Sundays are creativity and imagination as a way of life, the worlds best customer service and true empathy towards both the people we work with and and the environment.

Our Team


Loves puppies, kittens or anything fluffy, Alba is also known for naming plants and other inanimate objects around the office. She hates waking up early, darkness and uncooperative hair. Used to work as a consultant before she decided that drawing happy little creatures was more her thing.


Loves coffee, Rick & Morty and hanging out in the Forest. Really good at all of these technical web-things and handles most of the design and marketing around here. Sometimes also helps out other awesome businesses.


Our designer/illustrator. Former Criminologist/Pastry chef; she loves cat videos, barbecued ribs and everything sloth-related, she hates all kinds of spiders, store bought cakes and dirty hair. Everything Gemma touches instantly turns into cute.

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