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Time to present ourselves: Thomas

Made of Sundays - Thomas

Fiiiiinally, introduction time (it has taken us too long, really)! 

I'm the Finnish part of our small family, and basically the reason why we ended up here in the first place (yeah, it's cold and dark and everything but also sometimes kind of nice although I totally see us living in Spain too). Born and raised in Helsinki, we met with Alba while studying in Austria (btw, if you have been thinking about going Erasmus, do it, do it today).

It took us about a year to finally decide to move together to Helsinki. Our first plan was actually Barcelona, but as it was Alba landed a pretty sweet job over here and in the end we went with what made sense at the time (this was 8 years ago, and not a day passes that I don't remark to Alba on how much warmer it would be down in Spain :). Having studied marketing and design I ended up working in a couple of small design agencies before finally going freelance and starting my own small studio a good 5 years ago.

Design and consultancy is still my main day job over at SUNDAYS, and everything I do around here is done whenever I have time over (which is mostly on weekends and evenings). It takes a toll, sure, but on the other hand I really love to have our own project to work on whenever I'm able to. My responsibilities here include most of the design and strategy related things like web site, packaging, branding, marketing etc. Of course I also need to help with some more mundane day-to-day things like translating documents from Finnish to Spanish, but in general it's Alba and Gemma who takes care of all the hard things.

Whenever not working, I really try to do real world human things like travelling, surfing, biking, other sporty stuff (specially team sports) and trying all the foods in the world. We even started a blog about travel&food at, but there are only so many hours in the day so it kind of ended up a bit abandoned. We really would like to have it up and running again with tips on where to go and what to do in Helsinki! But to sum it up, new experiences really makes me happy, and nothing beats good coffee, wine, food or the feel of sun and seawater on your skin.

My biggest dream would be to be able to live in Helsinki, Barcelona, London, Tokyo, Melbourne, Montreal and New York all at the same time. There is nothing wrong with some time off on a deserted island (god knows we all need it now and then), but for some reason the energy of the city keeps pulling me back. Good vibes and a people who actually do things are my major motivation, and nothing makes me happier than a thing well made by people who really digs what they are doing. This world is so full of talented people that it's crazy (and should keep all of us humble).

I really love what we are doing here at Made of Sundays, and can only hope that those vibes at least at some level also transfers over to you guys. My endless appreciation goes out to you, because without you there would be no us. <3

Thanks for reading, 


P.S Don't forget to add us in Snapchat for general silliness and behind the scenes stuff: madesundays

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